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How To Create Lekker Holand Cake

How To Make Lekker Holand Cake

How To Create Lekker Holand Cake. Actually this cake is called Boterkoek, or in English it is Butter Cake, or more simply Butter Cake. I don't really know the history, but it seems that the name reflects the main ingredient of this cake which makes this cake smell so good, which is butter or butter.

When baked, the house smells like butter. In the Netherlands, this cake is usually used as a friend to drink coffee and become a mainstay cake for guest treats.

The recipe that I used for the experiment is an economical recipe, meaning that we replace butter with Blue Band Cake and Cookies. It smells good, even if it doesn't smell like butter. It's delicious, even if it's not as good as butter. With a more economical cost, how can you make this Lekker Holland.


  • 200gr Blue Band Cake and Cookie
  • 150 gr powdered sugar / powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
  • 1 egg
  • 30gr powdered milk
  • 220gr wheat flour

Smear material:

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1/2 teaspoon milk / water
  • Stir the two ingredients together, don't shake it.

Sprinkles ingredients:

  • Almond / almond slices


  • 20cm x 20cm square pan
  • Baking paper
  • Large bowl / basin
  • Electric mixer
  • Rubber / plastic spatula or wooden spoon
  • Fork
  • Aluminum paper or baking paper

How to make:

  • Measure the baking paper according to the size of the bottom of the pan. To make it easier to remove the cake, turn it on the two sides until it is slightly higher than the wall of the pan. Grease a baking sheet with a little butter, then stick the baking paper.
  • Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius.
  • In a large bowl or basin, add margarine, sugar and vanilla. Stir it a little first so that the sugar doesn't fly too much when shaking it with a mixer.
  • Beat the margarine mixture with a mixer until the color is pale and the texture is fluffy, it should take 7-8 minutes.
  • Add eggs. Beat again until the eggs are well blended.
  • Stir in milk with flour. Sift a third into the mixture. Mix fold with a spatula or wooden spoon. Slow down.
  • Add the flour mixture two more times (that's a third, three more times). Fold again. Make sure that there are no unmixed flour at the bottom of the dough or the bottom of the bowl.
  • Pour the mixture into the pan, flatten as much as possible.
  • Brush with egg yolk mixture all over the surface of the dough.
  • Draw a checkered outline with a fork. Then sprinkle each box with almonds / almonds. (For more details, see the photo of the final cake.)
  • Bake in the bottom rack of the oven for 35 minutes.
  • Check the cake after 20 minutes of baking. If the top hasn't started to brown, aka it's still pale, move it to the middle oven rack. When the top is brown, cover the pan with aluminum foil or baking paper, leave it on the bottom rack.
  • After 30 minutes of baking, check with a toothpick in the center of the pan. If the dough is still on the toothpick, bake it again. When the toothpick comes out clean, not covered with dough, remove the pan.
  • Remove the dough from the pan (if you have extra baking paper on both sides, this process is very easy), then cool on a cake rack before cutting.
  • Serve warm with coffee or bitter tea.
  • Personally, the sugar in this recipe is a bit sweet for me. So, if you are not a sweet lover like me, you can reduce 10-15 grams of the recipe size.
  • To make the cake more fragrant, add the zest of 1 lemon to the mixture.
  • You can also add grated cheese to the mixture to make it more savory.
  • For toppings, besides almonds, you can also use walnuts, cheese, raisins, candied orange peel (sukade), or other fruit sweets. Chocolate chips can also, but I really don't like the combination of chocolate chips with this cake.
  • The electric oven I use tends to be a bit hotter, so after just 20 minutes of baking, my cake is pretty brown. That's why I cover the pan with baking paper and don't move the cake to the middle rack of the oven so that the brown color doesn't get darker.
  • If you want to be more practical, you can use a trending bulkhead pan. No more scratching with a fork and cutting neatly.

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