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How To Make Bouncing Bubbles

How To Make Bouncing Bubbles

How To Make Bouncing Bubbles. Bouncing bubbles is a form of entertainment and a fun science experiment involving soap bubbles that have been treated with a special solution to make them more elastic and less likely to burst upon impact. These treated bubbles have the ability to bounce off surfaces instead of popping immediately. They can be blown into the air and then bounced off objects or even caught and held in your hands.

The secret behind bouncing bubbles lies in the special solution used to create them. The solution typically includes ingredients like water, dish soap, and a polymer such as guar gum or PVA (polyvinyl alcohol). These additives increase the elasticity of the soap film, making it more durable and less likely to break.

To create bouncing bubbles, you start by mixing the solution according to a specific recipe. Once the solution is ready, you can dip a bubble wand or a homemade bubble-blowing device into the solution and blow gently to create bubbles. The treated bubbles will have a greater chance of bouncing when they come into contact with a surface, such as a table, a hand, or even another bubble.

It's important to note that while bouncing bubbles can be a fun activity, they are still fragile and will eventually burst. However, the special solution allows them to survive for a longer period of time and perform impressive bouncing feats before they finally pop.

Bouncing bubbles can be enjoyed by people of all ages and can be a great way to explore the properties of soap films and surface tension. It's a popular choice for parties, science demonstrations, and outdoor play.

How To Make Bouncing Bubbles

To make bouncing bubbles, you will need a few ingredients and materials. Here's a simple recipe to create the special solution:


  • 1 cup of distilled water (tap water can work, but distilled water often produces better results)
  • 2 tablespoons of dish soap (a brand that contains sodium lauryl sulfate works well)
  • 1 tablespoon of glycerin or corn syrup (this helps to increase the elasticity of the bubbles)


  • Bubble wand or a homemade bubble-blowing device
  • Bowl or container for mixing the solution


  1. Start by pouring the distilled water into a bowl or container.
  2. Add the dish soap to the water. Be gentle while pouring to minimize foaming.
  3. Slowly add the glycerin or corn syrup to the mixture. Stir gently to combine the ingredients. Avoid creating too many bubbles or foam.
  4. Let the solution sit for about 15-30 minutes. This allows the ingredients to blend together and improve the bubble-blowing properties.
  5. After the resting time, you can use a bubble wand or a homemade bubble-blowing device to create bouncing bubbles. Dip the wand into the solution, making sure it is coated with the solution but not excessively soaked.
  6. Gently blow through the wand to create bubbles. Aim for smaller bubbles, as they tend to be more durable and bounce better.
  7. Experiment with bouncing the bubbles off different surfaces, such as tables, hands, or other bubbles. Observe how the bubbles behave and enjoy the bouncing action.

Remember, while this recipe provides a good starting point, you can adjust the amounts of the ingredients to find the perfect balance for creating bouncing bubbles that work best for you. Have fun experimenting and exploring the fascinating world of bubbles!


Tag :

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